*voice over happens as the track begins*
0:00: 'I don't care, I just don't care he is my husband, I don't think you understand, I want to see him, I need to see him. Please let me, I don't care about your policy he could die, I need to see him, LET ME SEE HIM!
0:12- medium shot to the inner branches of a tree
0:13- focus in on a ladybug
0:15- close up on twigs focus then changes to see the figure of a woman walking (floor level shot)
0:19- tracking as she walks through the woodland area
0:22- She stops to look, low angle,
0:24- Hand held camera as she runs down the hill, looking back
0:27- she points up and the camera follows,
0:32- camera comes back down and she is walking close to the camera
0:34- 'sea is with a steady hand' shot changes to a medium shot to reveal a man holding the camera, she pushes the camera down, and goes to kiss the man
0:39- sat on a park bench, she laughs so hard she ducks out of shot. he smiles at her with love, and then fades away.
0:44 quick shot to them sat cross legged away facing away from each other *change of location*
0:47 she sits back up on the bench- medium long shot
0:50 close up on her face turning to the front.
0:52 ‘just the way it is’ long medium shot of her sat on the bench, she looks cold….
0:54 gets up, as she gets up, he fades back in, and reaches to her
101: ‘our love’ cross legged, lip syncing, moving to lean on each other
110: high angle walking in the door *change of location*
112: bag is dropped
113: pair of shoes on the floor
114: scarf on the floor
115: walking up the stairs *Shots next swap between past and present*
120: he comes down the stairs
126: cardboard box placed on the table
127: handheld camera, she places box on the table, smiling and happy
130: things are being placed into the cardboard box
132: her smiling telling him to stop filming, grabs the camera
135: focus on the camera in the box
137: places photo albums into the box, one falls out
140: on the floor face down
141: she double takes at the fallen photo
143: picks it up
145: turns it over
146: she smiles a little
147: picture shows them having fun in the photo, zoom into the photo cross fade
151: they come to life in the field. Various shots of them joking and cuddling (long medium etc)
156: ‘shaking’ shot to woman in building
157: ‘shaking’ shot to man ‘way it’s got to be’
202: ‘love abandoned’ change to shot more showing the woman
207: extreme mid shot
210: ‘cold and iron’ woman
213: ‘in our hearts’ tear falls from her face
216: tear falls on the photo
219: long shot to her in the kitchen, alone
221: close up wiping eyes
224: back to back ‘we were both asleep’
229: Picture falls into the box
234: cardboard box moves from shot
2:36 camera is picked up by 'phantom' he shows himself in the camera, turns camera around
238: she is dressed in different clothes again, nicer, prettier
2:40 walking out of the kitchen with the box
2:43 awkward camera shuffle and she has the camera, he pulls funny faces
2:48 door opens, box is placed outside - floor level shot, shows box being placed on floor
2:53 shot to woman placing the camera down
2:57 he takes her in his arms and they dance various shots from the camera they used and other.
302: ecu hands intertwined, with a wedding ring
3:06 cross fade into the same hand holding a glass of whiskey (the ring being the centre of frame)
309: tips out of shot, glass comes back empty
311: close up of her looking towards the camera
313: glass *shots are edited to look disjointed to connote her emotions and the influence of whiskey*
314: her face in a mirror
3:16 empty bottle of Whiskey
318: razor blade
322: ecu of her eyes looking up to the camera.
325: she closes her eyes when her head is back down
3:30 tilt down to show the blood on her arms
331: drop of blood falls onto a white sheet. 'Bloodstains in the snow'
334: fade to white
340: she opens her eyes, she is in a field 342: sits up, and smiles
345 the man is dressed in white, bends down to her, slow motion kiss *the music video ends with them reuniting in the after life in their own little heaven*
Because this is a rough idea of how I want this music video to look like, and what types of shots and transitions I would like, not every cut has a shot, and many have 'various shots' placed on them because I still need to work out exactly what I want to use. However I have been able to establish that I would like to use point of view shots as well as cross fading (a lot) because it shows how the main focus (the woman) is feeling and how is coping with the shock of losing her husband.
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