Monday, 1 December 2014

Rough cut one: (Bloodstains)

By doing this it has allowed me gain some feedback on my work, which would aid me to having a better music video which would (fingers crossed) allow me to gain a higher grade.

When asking an audience, this was what they found I could improve on.

1- The beginning makes me feel sick, it has too much movement
2- I didn't understand that they died
3- Some of the lip syncing was out
4- It felt a little jumpy
5- There weren't many close up's on the girls face, and the shots were similar.

There did however like:

1- the storyline (even though they thought they just split up)
2- The 'perky' little shots that I added 'such as when she walks through the wood' (approx.: 20 secs)
3- My Mise-en-scene and lighting
4- Distance shots (for example the thumbnail)
5- How I was able to create the 'home video' feel, which allowed them to connect with the characters (which were self named 'Alice and Derek' by the cast)

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