Monday, 1 September 2014

Analysis of a music advertisment from my chosen Artist

All the little lights:
Although the quality is quite bad, this is the music advertisement for the artist 'Passenger' first main streamed album 'All the little lights'.

By looking at the colour, as an audience member that is the first thing that catches my eyes, as it shows connotations of a very diverse album due to the use diverse colours. This could also show connotations of the album to be that of a journey to a better place as the colours used can be associated with that of a rainbow, which, legend has it, owns a pot of gold at the end of it, which when looking at this album, shows connotations of the album being the artist's own "pot of gold" that he wishes to share with his audience.

The advertisement holds little-to-none information to the album apart from artist, album title and top single hits. By doing this, it has put a hint of mystery on the album and also the artist, which encourages the target  audience members to go and find out more, which would then lead to an under-the-line advertisement strategy to which the target audience mostly do their own work on social media websites, which leads to a wider audience (as we all are so connected to this web we called worldwide) showing connotations of the artist and their record label making a lot of money as they have placed the two-step-flow theory into the minds of the target audience by little-to-none information 
"Curiosity killed the cat" 

When looking a imagery, the advertisement uses the shadow of a woodland area which shows connotations of the album as well as the artist having a deeper meaning to all of his song, because if he has used a shadow, the original over line of the songs message, for instance "let her go" (which was one of the hits advertised) the meaning is about how he misses her, but the under line, or the "shadow" of the song talks about how he  has realised her impact in his life and that he regrets what happened. 

The use of a woodland also pays attention to the key conventions found in his type of genre "indie pop" which allows audience members to recognise the genre before even hearing the music, which then allows them to make the choice of wanting the album or not as they are fully aware of the genre placed before them.

By doing this exercise it has aided me with my knowledge of music advertisement and how sometimes, not allowing the audience all of the information can work in your ( the marketing team) favour, which I will take on board when making my own. 

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