Wednesday 6 August 2014

Lyric analysis and their importance (bloodstains)

This is my first idea of what I could possibly do with my lyrics and what I would like to show within a music video. This exercise will aid me with my own narrative as it allows me to be creative and also starts me off with initial idea for my music video. Lyrics are important within a music video because when reflected by the video, they can show such a deeper meaning to audience members which then allows them to convey emotions towards characters and also to the song itself.

The song is all about how the couple are realising that their current situation is not working, and how they both feel that they are limited and not happy anymore. I am using this in my narrative of the wife/ female partner, as she comes to the realisation that she is not happy without her husband/ male partner, and therefore she corrects the situation and joins him on the other side.

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