Monday 8 December 2014

Bloodstains Rough Cut Three

This is my rough cut three for my music video for 'Bloodstains' and like the other three cuts I asked for feedback, and this is what I received;

Negative feedback:
- The beginning sequence took away from the voice recording
- Lip syncing is out at points within the narrative
- The interior scene in the kitchen' had too many different shots and it took away from the actors performance

Positive feedback:
- The narrative was clear and everyone got it (finally!)
- They liked the differences of shots, and thought that the story was told well.
- I was asked if I could turn it into a movie, so i'm guessing that's a positive thing.
- The handheld camera was used effectively and wasn't over used, as it made it's point and quote 'made me wish my boyfriend did cute things like that'

Overall I am proud of this rough cut, despite it's flaws, and by that I mean the lip syncing. I have decided to go out and re-film the lip syncing and a few other shots (when he fades away from the bench and she is left alone, and when she is crying on the bathroom floor) I hope that this will then aid me to have a better final  music video, and also eliminates all of the criticism I have stated above.

This has aide me because I am now one step closer to having the best possible music video I can possibly create.

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