Saturday 13 September 2014

Music video target audience results

I have decided to place my target audience to be within the age range of 15-24 as the themes spoken about in the song, and the themes the artist looks at, are themes that people at that age have experienced, will experience or are experiencing, for example with the song 'Bloodstains' looks at a broken love and how they are realising how there is a broken love.

Here is a clearer graph of my results.

As you can see, from my varied audience, the majority prefer a music video with a narrative, therefore I will create my music video with a clearly structured narrative to which my target audience can enjoy and understand.

By doing this exercise I have been able to understand what audience members like to see within music video, and this has aided me because now I have a better insight into what I should, and shouldn't include in my music video when I come to creating it.


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