Saturday 6 September 2014

Music Video Conventions

When looking at these conventions, I will be taking into consideration 'drama' a lot within my music video as I believe that it fits the indie pop conventions, I will most likely be looking at the level of verisimilitude within my music video because as the music video looks at a very normal situations, I would like my music video to also be in locations that people can understand and recognise.

The narrative within an 'indie pop' or 'drama' music video will usually reflect the lyrics which can be been in Goodwin's theory, and serves as entertainment for the audience member to escape into the fantasy from every-day life.

When I come to create my music video I will be using Goodwin's theory and also aim to make my narrative an escape for audience members to enjoy. This task has aided me with my research as I can now highlight what conventions go with which genre.

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