Monday 3 November 2014

Location Scouting ( Interior )

Location one:

A possible idea for the ending of the narrative *when she dies* however this location may not be such a good idea as lighting and also position of the camera Is limited, due to the size of the room and also the bed, meaning that I possibly may not be able to produce the shots I want, which I have said about in my shot list in a later

Location two: 

This location could also be used for the interior locations, and looks to have more room than the other location explained above. However I must take into consideration  that the walls are painted green, which the colour can affect what I pick up on camera. 

Location three: (final) 

I have decided on this house for location because I believe that it shows connotations of a warm and welcoming home, which will make sense in the flash backs, and also how depressed she is when we show the reality, due to her welcoming home, now full of doom and gloom. 

The colours used in this house are more neutral and do not stand out as much as the green in the other location. 

This location also gives me room and enough for lighting to be created properly, and also for me, my actors and also my equipment to work and move easily around. 

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