Wednesday 19 November 2014

Shotlist for my Magazine (plus image i would like to use)

When looking at what would be best for my magazine shot list I looked at some current magazine articles to get a better understanding of what I could be faced with.

From my research what I found was that they all contained information of the single/albums release and also the download date and where the audience could download it from.

The shots used within these were mostly long shots and establishing shots, which then lead me on to thinking that, if I wish to achieve the best possibly grade for my coursework, I should try and match my work as closely as I can to that of a professional piece of work.

I chose an establishing shot for my music magazine because I thought with what is in the frame, e.g. the sunset as well as a location that audiences can relate to (a neighbourhood) I also think that this picture links well to the rest of my work because I have still taken into consideration the key conventions of my chosen genre, and also I've given the audience the room for interpretation.

For example, the audience can look at this photo and wonder
"Why are there two houses opposite each other?"
"Is this going to have something to with the artist and where he grew up?"

The reason why I have chosen this picture is because I look at the two opposite houses and I think of Romeo and Juliet, and how they were divided but they ended up being together in the end, I think that my narrative shows connotations that love is a strong force and can be seen to will people to do many things, and can be the cause of happiness.

The sunset I though was key because to the far right of the picture the clouds look dark and grey showing connotations of despair and pain, whereas nearer to the centre and far left, the sun catches the clouds and creates beautiful colours of orange and gold which shows connotations of happiness and purity, which can be seen to reflect the woman's perspective of the narrative. She goes through pain and suffering with her husband's death, but when she has passed, she has passed the darkness in her life and is reunited with her lover, which can then be seen to relate to the beautiful colours of orange and gold.

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