Friday 14 November 2014


Male auditions:

First: Peter Godwin

Second: Ryan Chapman

Female auditions:

First: Lauryn Dobinson

Second: Mollie Allen

Chosen cast:

Male: Ryan Chapman

Female: Lauryn Dobbinson

I have decided on this cast as both these actors were by far the best for lip-syncing, which personally is better as it will make my job easier when I come to editing. They also fitted my ideal casting choice, which was a bonus, the only dis-advantage is that they have never met each other, which could affect their acting as a couple when filming. However, knowing both of the actors well, I would hope to think that everything will be fine, and they will not look as awkward as they possibly will feel.

By doing this, this has allowed me to have the directing choice of who I cast and not, meaning that it shows confidence in my decisions, and that I have thought and planned my choice in actors and not just asked a friend to do it.

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